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How to make button visible in scrollview if it's related textfield has been focused

I have a ScrollView which contains VStack which contains a large amount of entries. The amount is not important it is just that you have to scroll to get to a TextField at the end of the list. Below the text field is a "submit"-Button.

If the user taps on the text field, the scrollview will adjust its scrolling position to make the textfield visible. But I need, that the button below the input becomes visible, too.

Does someone have any idea how I could achieve this behavior?


Abstract code

ScrollView {
    VStack {

        // ... content

        // Button aera
        VStack {
            Button("Action Text") {

Here is a possible solution - based on scrollTo, focused state, and animation alignment, latter is important, because focused state update happens much earlier than keyboard appears.

Tested with Xcode 13.4 / iOS 15.5


Main part:

        TextField("Placeholder", text: $text)
        Button("Submit") { }
            .padding()    // << for better visibility
.onChange(of: focused) {
    if $0 {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {    // << !!
            withAnimation {  // << same default animation
                sr.scrollTo("submit", anchor: .bottom)

Test module on GitHub
